#Stop Esophageal Cancer NOW
The Sjoerd Daniels Foundation is an independent foundation contributing to scientific research in order to improve the survival rate of esophageal cancer, preferably combined with technologic innovation. The ultimate goal is to increase the rate of survival of patients diagnosed with this type of cancer. With the initiative #StopEsophagealCancer.Now the foundation would like to contribute to the prevention, detection and cure of esophageal cancer.
During 2019 2,536 people were diagnosed with esophageal cancer, this is over 2% of the total number of people diagnosed with cancer. Esophageal cancer is yet very difficult to be cured. In 65 years, the 5-year’s survival rate increased from 11% to 23%, but is still considered to be very low. The consequences of this disease are severe, even after undergoing a heavy and risky esophagus and stomach surgery. The 5 year’s survival rate after this surgery is still only 50%. The number of esophageal cancer diagnosis’ is rising, full recovery is still not possible and other cancer charities focus mainly on more commonly occurring cancer types. For this reason, additional funding for scientific research on esophageal cancer is required.
More information regarding esophageal cancer can be retrieved by accessing the website: kanker.nl
The Sjoerd Daniels Foundation has engaged with experts in the area of stomach and esophegal cancer to identify research for which the funds of the Foundation can be utilized. This research should focus on the early detection of esophegal cancer, targetting specifically younger people, supported by innovation. When scientific research projects have been selected, their names and research will be published on this website.
Together with my family, friends and colleagues I would like to be the initiator and linking pin to achieve my goal to contribute to the scientific research and technologic innovation to improve the early detection of esophageal cancer. Hence, I have founded the Sjoerd Daniels Foundation with some close friends and colleagues. With this Foundation and its initiatives we would like to encourage our network to positively contribute to the fight against esophageal cancer. During this process we would like to experience as many special occasions as possible together! #StopEsophagealCancer.NOW!
Fortune’s favorite and epicurean. Born on Sunday November 25, 1979, raised in a fantastic family, enjoyed childhood in Schinnen (located in the South of the Netherlands), incredible time at the Middle and High School and unforgettable studentlife in Breda (the Netherlands). Later during life been blessed with creating a family with Sanne and two beautiful children; Jens and Maud, a lovely house in Ulvenhout, a challenging job full of opportunities with Accenture and a very rich social life with family, friends and colleagues. Completely untroubled, until October 10 2019 when I was hospitalized when some food got stuck in my throat.
6 days later, after undergoing various examinations, the diagnosis was very clear and shocking: esophageal cancer. Our world completely unraveled. How is this possible? At the age of 39? The diagnosis at that moment is not the worst: the doctors could not identify any metastases and considered curing treatment. Chemotherapy consisting out of 5 treatments and 23 radiations would follow. Following these treatments I would undergo a surgery where my esophagus and part of my stomach would be removed and replaced by an artificial stomach with less volume. The process would be extremely heavy and long, followed by a very long and difficult revalidation. However, a survival rate of over 50% created light at the end of the tunnel.
At the end of January 2020 tragedy struck. For some weeks, I did not feel myself to be in very good shape. I was tired, my level of fitness decreased, I experienced a loss of strength and several little pains appeared. The final CT scan prior to the surgery highlighted an agressive and difusse mestastesis in my liver which resulted in a disfunctioning liver. My physical condition deterioated every day. However, within 1.5 weeks after palliative chemotherapy treatment had started, my physical condition improved remarkably. Despite the chemotherapy and a few tough days, I have been given the opportunity to create as many memories as possible with my family and friends. Unfortunately the Covid-19 pandemic has become worse than one had ever imagined, resulting in many restrictions in my day to day life. It felt like the second crisis in a row. Despite this unwelcome development we have tried to seize the day.
Many people wonder about my wishes and what my bucket list looks like. In fact the answer is very straightforward. I would like to see that my closest family is supported: Sanne, Jens, Maud but also my mother, sister, her husband and my nieces. I have full confidence in the group of beautiful caring people around us, consisting of family and friends.
Furthermore I wish, together with my social and business network, to contribute to scientific research and technological innovation to improve the (early) detection and treatment of esophageal cancer. With the help of my family, friends and colleagues, I see myself as the initiator and linking pin to accomplish this wish. For this reason I have founded the Sjoerd Daniels Foundation together with some close friends and colleagues. With this Foundation we would like to fight against esophageal cancer by starting various initiatives during which we would also like to generate precious memories together!
Let’s work together, to prevent what happened to me!
Thank you for your continuous support!
Unfortunately, the Sjoerd Daniels Foundation is also dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to our crowdfunding campaign, wehad the plan to organize various other great promotions and events. Unfortunately, events with a lot of people are not possible yet. So, together with The Box Company, we have developed StopEsophagealCancer.NOW – The Game. A Remote Team Building Experience to enjoy a fun and pleasant evening or afternoon with your colleagues and friends, of course remotely and completely Corona proof! By playing the game, you support the Sjoerd Daniels Foundation with a contribution of 20 euros per participant!
The Remote Team Building Experience is played in teams of 5 people and lasts for 75 minutes. Every participant plays from their workspace or home, while working together with your team to complete a large amount of challenges and get as many points as possible. While it’s possible to play the game with just one team, multiple teams within a company can play each other to add an element of competition. It’s vital that all participants stay connected to each other during the whole game, as they will need each other’s help to solve the challenges.
Every participant will receive an envelope* with multiple question cards, puzzle pieces and attributes. That way each participant has part of the answer for each of the challenges in their envelope. Good communication and collaboration are key to solve the challenges. Participants log on to our website with a unique code. As soon as all team members have logged on, the clock starts ticking and the first challenge will appear on the screen. Further instructions will follow through the interactive website. Good luck!
The Remote Team Building Experience can be played with 1 to 200 teams at the same time (1 team contains a maximum of 5 participants).
Bookings or information requests
For more information or to book the StopEsophagealCancerNOW – The Game, please contact us via:
(only for non-Dutch requests)
An employee of The Boxcompany will contact you as soon as possible. Preferably send your telephone number.
The Sjoerd Daniels Foundation is led by a five-member board and supported by a group of ambassadors consisting of Sjoerd’s family, friends and colleagues. The board and the ambassadors carry out all activities on a voluntary basis.
The current board consists of:
Stichting Sjoerd Daniels Foundation
KvK nr: 80014526
RSIN nr: 861528815
Post address:
Vinkenbos 45
4851 EP Ulvenhout
The Netherlands
Privacy Disclaimer (in Dutch)
Detecting esophageal cancer at an earlier stage can save lives. Donate NOW and support early detection research!
Many thanks!